Designed by a woman

Five years ago I gave birth to a baby girl – naturally without medication, cuts, tears. The last month of pregnancy I practiced with the balloons – bringing me not only good physical preparation, but mainly psychological. For the birth I left calm, without fear. I thought that if a balloon with a circumference of 30cm “passed” through me, my daughter could also pass 🙂 I remember the birth nicely (regarding the rest at the hospital, not quite, but that’s another long story).

The balloon excited me. I read a lot of articles and information related to births, slits, conditions in Czech hospitals and elsewhere in the EU. But the statistics scared me a little… I thought that if such a simple thing can help mothers to feel confident so that they are not afraid of childbirth and really prepare the perineum, I would like to mediate this tool to the widest possible number of pregnant women. It took us (me and my husband) almost four years and Aniball is here – Czech product, aid for pregnant women registered at the Ministry of Health.

I sincerely wish that a labor would become an unforgettable strengthening experience for each of you also thanks to Aniball. I wish there were more “conscious” births and thus more stronger and healthy children in our country 🙂  The female body is naturally built for childbirth, “it can do it.” In my opinion, trust for those who help you is important for a nice childbirth, and then in particular your confidence.

Pregnancy, childbirth and my daughter changed my priorities, perceptions, and I realized the important thing. It’s not complying with the ideas of others, but doing what I like and what I see in a real sense. In Aniball I see it.