How often should I train with Aniball? When do I start?
You can start the exercises from the completed 36th week of pregnancy, just 10-15 minutes daily. You can practice more often, with only pain being the limit during exercise.
What result should be achieved through the exercise?

Be careful! It is not beneficial to increase the size of the balloon if it causes pain or significant discomfort. Clinical data shows that for effective prevention of birth injuries, it is sufficient to reach a balloon circumference of 25cm (approximately 10 pumps). We recommend not to go beyond this to avoid injuries.

Can I start practicing just 14 days before birth?

Definitely. Even two weeks can make a big difference, especially if you practice every day.

I reached 25 cm on the balloon and I have one week left till delivery. Should I continue?

You definitely should. You don’t have to further increase the circumference, but maintain it.

For several days I’ve been having the same result. I’m not able to increase the balloon’s diameter. Does this mean that I won’t be able to reach a larger diameter?

Be patient. There are days when you won’t attain better results. It is not beneficial to increase the size of the balloon if it causes pain or significant discomfort. Clinical data shows that for effective prevention of birth injuries, it is sufficient to reach a balloon circumference of 25cm (approximaltey 10 pumps). We recommend no to go beyoned this to avoid injuries.

Can a premature birth occur during exercise with the Aniball?
Gynecologists agree that exercising with Aniball cannot cause premature contractions.
What is an episiotomy and what may be the consequences?
An episiotomy is a surgical procedure of the perineum (the area between the vagina and anus) conducted exclusively in the second stage of labor. Its purpose is to enlarge the vaginal opening and protect women against a spontaneous tear in the perineum. But an episiotomy but can be very damaging – it often heals poorly with subsequent pain when voiding, a limited love life, the need for perineal plastic surgery, incontinence later in life, and more.
Is an episiotomy really needed?
There are cases where episiotomy is inevitable or beneficial: Accelerating the delivery of the baby (breathing problems), the premature birth of the fetus, easing a breech birth, etc. However, in the majority of births, with applied local massage and controlled pushing, the vaginal tissue seamlessly expands and returns to its original position on its own. And if it turns out that it tears naturally, the wound is smaller and less painful than an episiotomy and it usually requires less stitches. In addition, with a natural tear there is a lower risk of infection than with an episiotomy. Due to the gradual stretching of the perineum Aniball can prepare a woman for childbirth without incisions or minimal incisions.
The exercises are drawing blood, should I stop the exercises?
When starting to use Aniball the cervix is already maturing slowly, softening and preparing for childbirth. At this time, there is a lot of blood flow, it is fragile, just a light touch and weak bleeding or spotting may appear. If this occurs after exercising with Aniball or after a medical examination, there is no need to worry, and if the spotting stops immediately after exercise, you can continue to use Aniball.
Can not the balloon burst and cause health complications?
It cannot. Aniball has been thoroughly tested in regards to relevant European directives on medical devices.
How does Aniball help after birth and with stress incontinence?

Using equipment after childbirth regenerates muscles in the pelvic area and thus reduces leakage after birth.

Can I continue exercising with Aniball if I test positive for streptococcus?
In this case, there is no restriction in connection with exercising. Streptococcus in women does not to cause any problems, but it can be dangerous for the child. About 1% of children with GBS positive mothers are at risk of infection, so during childbirth preventive antibiotics are administered, but during pregnancy one can normally practice with the balloon. Another thing is yeast. If the yeast infection is in an acute stage, and the woman has a discharge and yeast globulin, we recommend that you wait with exercising. If the vulva is reddened, the woman has feelings of itching, burning and the vaginal walls are often very tender, cracking and bleeding. In this case, exercise is certainly suitable after the globulin break off.
May the draining of amniotic fluid result from exercising with Aniball?
The outflow of amniotic fluid can occur at any time, the reasons being many – mostly infections, or during a full moon or change in pressure. Exercising with the balloon during a healthy pregnancy does not cause the fluid to drain. The placental sac is protected by a suppository that protects the membranes well and does not reduce until just before delivery.
Are there any negatives associated with this exercise? Could my vagina extend permanently?

No, Aniball can’t stretch you permanently. It actually helps to keep your vagina healthy and elastic. During childbirth, your pelvic muscles stretch by approximately 300%. The maximum expansion of your muscles happens at the moment of the baby’s head passing – the muscles are triple-stretched from 3 to 10 cm. Untrained muscle tiusse may tear. Exercising with Aniball does not only prevent tearing during labour, but also prevents the routine of cutting the muscles, which happens in the course of episiotomy.

Can I use Aniball although it is possible that I have yeast (and a prescribed treatment)?
In the healing phase we definitely do not recommend the exercise. Vaginal walls are fragile, the mucus of the exit is reddened, painful, and often burst. In acute conditions even the massage of the perineum is not recommended.
Is it advisable to practice with Aniball if I have varicose veins on the genitals?
Regarding varicose veins on the genitals it is particularly appropriate not to cut anything at birth. If you don’t have a contraindication for vaginal delivery, so if nothing prevents vaginal birth and the head can be born even through genitals with varicose veins, then you can exercise with the balloon – but of course, it is always necessary to assess your particular situation. We strongly recommend a cautious approach, enough lubricant, and to hold and slow down the progress of squeezing out the balloon.
How about the use of this equipment and the development of an infection?
In keeping with instructions to use sterilization prior to first use (immersion for 1 minute in a water bath at min. 70 ° C) and regular disinfection, there is practically no threat of infections.
Is it possible to experience the leakage of urine during exercise?
During exercise there may be slight leakage of urine due to the pressure of the balloon on a full bladder. This is the minimum amount that does not preclude other exercise with Aniball. After the completion of the exercise no more urine should drip.
Is it possible to use the same Aniball with the next pregnancy and what is its durability?
The warranty period for Aniball is a standard 24 months. In compliance with all conditions of use and storage of the product the properties of silicone rubber are stable for at least 5 years. It should however be noted that frequent use may lead to increased deterioration and thus the shortening of its durability. Therefore we do not recommend exercising with an already used balloon (used by another person), and offer the opportunity to purchase a replacement silicone balloon separately at a significantly lower price. The quality is also affected by silicone oil application – it is therefore necessary during the exercise to use lubricants based on water that do not contain oil.
How about the complaints?
If the product is under warranty and has a defect, send it to us and we will process the complaint as soon as possible (especially in the case of mothers who want to exercise with Aniball, we don’t wait for the expiry of the 30 day period, but we deal with it immediately). Please note that this medical device is not intended for use by several persons. Unfortunately, what happens is that one product resells (not every woman, however, handles the product as it should be, for instance she uses oil during exercise, etc., which devalues the material). It is a misuse of the product, and such is not covered under warranty.
Can I prepare with Aniball even when I first gave birth by Caesarean section?
Yes, thanks to the use of Aniball natural birth after Caesarean section is possible. If you are a healthy woman and there are no other obstacles for natural childbirth, it is possible to practice with Aniball.
Where is Aniball produced?

The silicone balloon is a Czech product. The balloon material is the highest quality silicone material approved for medical use. Other parts are manufactured inside the EU too. The assembly and inspection of the product also takes place in the Czech Republic.

When is Aniball not recommended for use?
Contraindications: Do not use Aniball during a high-risk pregnancy, the risk of preterm delivery, any vaginal bleeding, if a Caesarean section is planned, with the occurrence of warts or other infectious pathology in the vagina or in the vaginal opening, in case of vaginitis, genital herpes, vaginal injury, precanceroses and other pathologies of the cervix. If any problem while exercising occurs, consult it with your midwife or doctor.
When is it necessary to take extra care when exercising?
Taking special care and exercise after consulting with a doctor is necessary in the case of varicose veins in the vagina and external genitalia, in the case of a low-placed placenta (find questions to ask your gynecologist), in the case of the reduced sensitivity of vagina and external genitalia (neurological diseases, use of painkillers), after treatment of vaginitis (briefly persistent vaginal fragility), after vaginal surgery (scars may not allow sufficient flexibility of the vagina), in the case of lichen sclerosus of external genitalia (chronic skin disease). If any problem while exercising occurs, consult it with your midwife or doctor.